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Jungle Aqua Park Latest News
In 2019, the Jungle Aqua Park in Hurghada, Egypt came under scrutiny following alleged instances of holiday illnesses including salmonella, campylobacter and sepsis, resulting in guests requiring urgent medical treatment. An 18-month-old baby and 7-year-old boy were amongst those whom it is claimed were severely affected.
If your stay at the Jungle Aqua Park has been ruined due to illness, you may be entitled to claim compensation. Get in touch with our expert team of holiday illness solicitors today on 0161 813 2131.
7-year-old tests positive for salmonella
A lady from Crarae who travelled to the Jungle Aqua Park in autumn last year spoke of their experience on TripAdvisor after she, along with her family of 8, were struck down with symptoms of gastric illness, including her 7 year old son who tested positive for salmonella poisoning.
“After spending two weeks at this hotel, all 8 of my family fell in with severe sickness and diarrhoea.
“After spending about £70 at the local pharmacy and feeling ill most of the holiday with stomach cramps, we managed though.
“However, my 7-year-old boy is still ill and has been now for 3 weeks.
“His poo has been tested and it has come back with salmonella food poisoning” says KKRPM
18-month-old girl contracts campylobacter and sepsis
Another guest, ‘Savvy Steph’, also spoke of their experience after her 18-month-old baby tested positive for campylobacter and sepsis, following their Egyptian holiday.
“Our 18-month-old daughter started with diarrhoea in the second week.
“We put it down teething or something she had eaten.
“But when we arrived back in the UK, she was rushed into hospital with Sepsis, and after her stool sample had been sent to the microlab, she had picked up Campylobacter from Egypt.
“It’s a good job I’m a nurse and know what to do!”
Another guest, ‘MrsMadBad’ a nurse from Birmingham, also travelled to the Jungle Aqua Park last Summer, spoke of their experience after their “familymoon” ended in disaster after their son was “lost 4lbs in 5 days”
“The food was horrific, although plenty to eat, there were flies galore and very poor hygiene standards” the lady said.
“My husband and two children stopped here for a familymoon”.
“My son was exceptionally unwell and needed interventions to get him better.
“He lost 4lbs in 5 days!! Projectile vomiting and horrific diarrhoea.
“He had a temperature through the roof and was delirious.
“Had he have been in the UK, he would have been admitted for severe dehydration.
“We sat and had to give hum fluids every ten minutes, it’s a good job I am a nurse and knew what to do.
“My son is still unwell and not 100% since this holiday
“He receives regular treatment and is undergoing investigations still because it completely wiped out his good bacteria in his gut!” MrsMadBad added.
Salmonella and Campylobacter Holiday Claims
Both salmonella and campylobacter can cause serious health problems and are among the most common types of food poisoning related to poor food hygiene in package holiday resorts.
If you have suffered gastric illness abroad or upon your return to the UK, call today to see how we can help you make a successful claim for compensation on a No Win, No fee basis. Call 0161 813 2131 or alternatively, complete our quick and easy use to contact form and we will be in touch as soon as possible.
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